sunnuntai 15. elokuuta 2010

Ananda Seva Summer Retreat, Kila, Montana, August 2010

Click the pictures for a closer look
Hiking at Jewel Basin
Auspicious encountering
The Kila Sanctuary
Meditation Jurt
Building Networks by Ac. Ravi supported by Ac. Anandam
The Art Workshop by Dhiira and Emily
Blessing ceremony for the land
The Host and Hostess
Meditation and Intuitional Discourse at Sunpoint
Tandava with Lightorbs
The Seniors
Honoring The Forest Goddess

Wedding Shower and the Wedding of Amiti and Jiivan, July 2010

Wedding shower

The Wedding Ceremony

perjantai 18. kesäkuuta 2010

Yoga Teacher Training, part 5, June 2010

Leppola Course Center

10.30 pm sunset

Click for a closer look!

Ac. Omkarnath on Patanjali's Sutras

Evening program

B-class Guru, A-class devotees

Cows learning Cow Yoga

Woman Power!

keskiviikko 24. maaliskuuta 2010

YogaTeacherTraining, part 4, Finland, Feb2010

Pushpa's democlass

Latika's style

Feminine Mysticism lecture

Evening program - "Extreme yoga"

Stressed busy teacher

New Age Far Out teacher

Students rebel...

The most relaxed yoga class coming to an end at last....

Class for men only...

Feel your body weight....