tiistai 1. joulukuuta 2015

Autumn Retreat in Leppola

Light into the darkest time of the year!

Themes: Yogic Lifestyle and Health, Yoga and Mental Health, 
Refugee Problem and Prout

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Creative workshop:
 Dancing and painting in groups on the same paper

The peeping sun creates its own artistic wall

 Tejasvini with light orbs

Ending ceremony with candles


 Heya Ho by Sarani

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 "The light of one person may illuminate the darkness of the world."
-Shrii Shrii Anandamurti

maanantai 14. syyskuuta 2015

Tattvika Training starts at Villa Uusi Kuu Sept. 2015

 Nalinii, Shanti Devi, Paramatmika
Madhavii, Saranii, Aishvarii

Click the picture!

perjantai 31. heinäkuuta 2015

Summer Retreat in Frantsila 2015

 Everybody's beautiful, everybody's beautiful,
in the light, the light of the loving one,
the loving one...

Click the pictures for closer look!


tiistai 30. kesäkuuta 2015

Female Energy in Leppola - NaisEnergiaa 2015 Leppolassa

                                                 Puja with Maiden, Mother and Crone

Ceremony to honor the menopause of Maha Devii

Letting the river take the wishing candle

                                                                              June Midnight

Delicious meals by Diipali and Maha Devii


Visiting the Mystic Boulder (Photo by Rainjanii)
Siirtolohkareen juurella

              Place for Empowering Photography
              Voimaannuttavaa valokuvausta

(Photo by Rainjanii)

We named the boulder Louhi Rock. ..... rock around the Louhi Rock....
(Louhi was the powerful woman in the Finnish mythology.)
  By the Hopom Lake

                                                         Well, it was not real....

After meditation, listening to the bubbling sound of the small waves


        Goddess of the Lake

The Ending Ceremony under the apple tree

    May the blessings of Mother Divine
     Fill your heart with love sublime
      May Her peace illuminate your heart
 Now and forever more, 
Now and forever more.

Pyhä Äiti nyt sua siunatkoon
sulle rauhan antakoon
valo Äidin tietäs ohjatkoon
nyt ja ainiaan
 nyt ja ainiaan.

    (Click the pictures for a closer look!)