tiistai 1. toukokuuta 2018

Spring Retreat 2018 in Leppola

             Theme of the retreat: "Facing oneself and the other"

 Warming game

Nature walk...celebrating the coming of the spring

 Writing poems...


Class on Cultural Integration; Samaj and Prana Dharma

 Baba Stories from Advent of a Mystery

Whisper in the Wind
After 24 nights of torture with kapalika sadhana  by the cold Ganges Ramkumar sighs:
"Thank God this hell is over.... "

 Baba hears it from a distance and later asks Ramkumar about it...

Karma from 1100 years ago causing Rampal a bad exema,
Baba reveals his previous life as a centipede....

 ..a chief boss full of hatred and jealosy, mistreating his family members

 5 lifetimes as invertebrates...
...as a vulture and a jackal...

Baba cures part of the disease on certain conditions...

The Kapalika Test: Go and eat a part of rotten corpse and you will prove your readiness for kapalika sadhana..... (of course there was no rotten corpse but something sweet...)

 By the Tigers Grave Baba explains how his coming to this planet has a cause....
My decision was not taken here but in a far-off world...
Life is not confined to this planet alone... there are so many planets with life....

 I keep travelling in various forms from planet to planet, from star to star
For me there is no rest ...I would say the word "rest" does not exist in my dictionary....

 Dada Bhuvaneshvari, Baba and others

Morning mist in the frosty fields


Yoga for couples




Departure ceremony...blowing away things one wants to get rid of....

Goodbye Leppola, see you soon again...

"I am here".....-"I see you..."

Click the pictures for a closer look!

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